What was it like to escape from behind the Berlin Wall?


Dora Lange speaks with students at Palm Beach Atlantic University about escaping from behind the Iron Curtain.

Do you know what it was like to escape from behind the Berlin Wall?

Today, the History Department held an “I Remember” event where about thirty Palm Beach Atlantic University students heard from Dora Lange, who was “raised in Nazi Germany and then lived in East Germany.”

Lange spoke to the students in English, while mixing some German words in as well, about what the experience was like to escape.

“My mother told me to stay until my brother returned from the war prison,” Lange said. “In October 1950, I decided to go to West Germany.”

Lange escaped across the Iron Curtain under gunfire at night to West Germany, while leaving her relatives behind in East Germany.

“As a young person, you always dream of the future,” Lange said. “I didn’t give up on that dream.”

Clifford Christians

Victoria Vartan interviews Dr. Stephanie Bennett and Professor Donald Piper, who produced a documentary this past summer.